Dear friends, as The Breakfast Club and the Saraswat Friendship Society have such a similar vision the decision has been made to merge this group with The Breakfast Club. It has been decided to keep the name The Breakfast Club but to feature works at the Saraswat Friendship Gallery. I would like to request that you join the breakfast club if you have not already done so. Prievious features will remain unchanged at the Friendship gallery

Thank you for your participation in the past and I hope you will continue to participate at The Breakfast Club

with love and peace


MY forefathers gave me
My spirit’s shaken flame,
The shape of hands, the beat of heart,
The letters of my name.
But it was my lovers,
And not my sleeping sires,
Who gave the flame its changeful
And iridescent fires;
As the driftwood burning
Learned its jewelled blaze
From the sea’s blue splendor
Of colored nights and days.

A strawflower by alan shapiro
click here to view

Say Chaps, steady on! by Lissywitch
"he will not come back" by TheBrit
Poppy In The Pod by Chet King
Brilliant Beauty by Tori Snow
Sunburst by Barbara Brown
Where Spinnakers Come To Life by linaji
Shadowed Scenes... by Janis ZrobackLeechy by lumiwa
A strawflower by alan shapiroTropical Dreaming by Rachel Ireland-Meyers


Please check out this wonderful work at the friendship gallery

THE new layout for the breakfast club features is ready and banners reposted on all work previously submitted pheeeeeew!

check it out by clicking the breakfast club link in the above in the menu under groups :-)